Must Reads for Authors

These are some of the most helpful, comprehensive books I have read on writing, publishing, book marketing and publicity. I encourage my clients to buy and read some of these essential reference books.

Note: Make sure you’re buying the latest edition, since many of these books have been updated and reprinted several times. They’re all available on, (if you prefer to buy from an independent bookseller) or at your local bookstore.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

Stephen King shares the story of how he became a writer and offers insights and advice on the writing life. This book is personal, funny and beautifully written — I came away with a new appreciation for Stephen King and his passion for the written word. His chapter on assembling a writer’s toolkit is invaluable.  Everyone who writes or aspires to write should read this book.

APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch

You can’t miss this book’s attention-getting cover and title, and you shouldn’t miss reading it either. It was written by former Apple Evangelist Guy Kawasaki, who decided to learn everything he could about self-publishing. He teamed up with technology expert Shawn Welch to write this engagingly written guide for aspiring authors.

The Essential Guide to Getting your Book Published by Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry

Coauthored by a literary agent and a book doctor, this book offers an extensive overview of every step of the publishing process. It’s primarily concerned with traditional publishing options, but does offer a section on self-publishing.


How to Write a Book Proposal, 5th Edition by Jody Rein with Michael Larsen

Literary agent Michael Larsen offers step-by-step advice and examples of how to write an effective nonfiction book proposal. It’s a helpful starting point for authors who have never tackled a proposal before.

Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook, 2nd Edition by Helen Sedwick

A terrific resource which provides essential information on copyright law, permissions, legal aspects of writing and publishing and how to avoid common pitfalls, scams and potential lawsuits.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

A classic book on writing which offers encouragement, humor, reflections and tips for writers by bestselling inspirational author Anne Lamott.

Jeff Herman's Guide to Book Publishers, Editors and Literary Agents: Who They Are, What They Want, How to Win Them Over 2017 Edition

Written by a literary agent, this is a helpful resource for authors who are seeking a traditional publisher or agent.


Publishing 101: A First-Time Author’s Guide to Getting Published, Marketing and Promoting your Book and Building a Successful Career by Jane Friedman

A well written, comprehensive overview of traditional and self-publishing from a true publishing industry expert and former editor of Writer’s Digest.

Online Marketing for Busy Authors: A Step-by-Step Guide by Fauzia Burke

The title says it all. Burke is a digital marketing expert who walks authors through the process of defining their brand, connecting with their audience and growing their social media presence. Although she primarily uses examples from traditional publishing and bestselling authors she has worked with, many of the strategies can be applied by self publishers and authors published by a small press.

Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book by Tim Grahl

This easy-to-read practical guide explains how authors can begin building a relationship with readers in their target audience. Grahl also offers valuable advice on how to develop a platform, create a book launch plan and sell more books. The advice is most appropriate for nonfiction authors.

1001 Ways to Market Your Books, Real World Edition, Kindle Edition by John Kremer

This overstuffed book offers a wealth of practical and creative ideas for marketing and promoting books.



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